CHANNEL ME – خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في ازدياد

SMB ICT Services On The Rise

With SMB ICT service on the rise, information & communication technology (ICT) is a critical factor for success in innovation. We are seeing large companies moving to exploit the advantages offered by ICT. Cloud computing and mobility are the two major pillars on which SMBs’ ICT adoption rests. Mobility-related investments have emerged as key fast-growing areas in terms of ICT deployment and investments.

ICT is critically important to the financial well-being of all organizations, and SMEs. Potential small business benefits and firm and sector-specific strategies drive the adoption and use of ICTs. SMEs also face generic barriers to adoption including trust and transaction security and IPR concerns, & challenges in areas of management skills. However commercial considerations & potential returns are the principal drivers of small business adoption and profitable use.

A healthy business environment is fundamental for firms to thrive & benefit from ICTs. This includes a transparent, open, and competitive business framework. Encourage rollout & use of quality infrastructure at affordable prices. Broadband connectivity is a key component in ICT development, adoption & use. It accelerates the contribution of ICTs to economic growth, facilitates innovation, & promotes efficiency. Get the regulatory infrastructure right for trust, security, privacy & consumer protection. Essential is a culture of security to enhance trust in the use of ICT. Strengthened cross-border cooperation between all stakeholders is necessary to reach these goals.

These are an increasingly significant part of economic activity & they offer important opportunities to small firms. Government and the private sector have key roles in facilitating content availability across all platforms. Small firms may lack objective information regarding the benefits & costs of the adoption of ICT. The private sector & government have a role and can provide information about the service available.

Despite these advantages, rapid growth in businesses’ purchases & sales over the Internet has yet to materialize.

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